saya menjadi super addicted dgn hasil tulisan CA since kak ina recommended ps i love u to me.. at that time, i was clueless as i dont know where to start for my new come back hobby, reading.. i need something nice, light reading books, and the important thing is, i want to enjoy reading.. to buy shopaholics books were too much for me at the moment cuz sophie kinsella has loads of books.. oh tabiat aku, klu da minat satu tu, aku akan kumpul je psl mende tu.. so kene cr yg x mahal sgt n x byk sgt la kn.. hehehe.. contoh, i have all books of Harry Potter.. yessss, i am a BIG fan of HP.. aku beli diek punye box set.. aim to get lord of the rings juga, tgk la one day.. now pun, ada buku x habis baca lagi.. hik.. =P~
tadaaa... ini la buku nye.. bile nk baca? ntah x taw.. hehehe.. =P~
waaahhh da ade collection CA..
wey mana aci ko dah ada the gift aku tak beli lagi dok cari dia nya paper back takde lagi warrrggghhhh...
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