ney cuppies yg aku tempah from kak zaiton.. first time menempah ngan kakak ney.. memule risau gak.. sbb harga yg diek ckp tu, pd aku sgt2 murah.. dlu klu aku beli even size mini cuppies, seketul da 90 sen.. tp ney aku amek medium.. and x smpai pun rm1.. aku risau gak kot la x sedap kn..
skali mlm tu aku sms along.. diek ckp lawaaaa cuppies tu.. okie, mungkin x selawa cuppies aku beli b4 this.. tp worth the money.. ko bayar murah, tp nk lawa2.. belasah kang.. hehe.. da la last minute nye order.. nk smpai 200pcs plak tu.. aku x rs klu org lain diek nk terime order aku ke x.. tp ade something yg buat aku x lupe cuppies ney.. the taste.. ya Allah, sedappppp sgt.. before this aku pnah beli ngan sorg tu, pun sedap gak.. tp yg ney, isk susah nk ckp la.. aku kn hantu cake.. so, cuppies ney mmg menyentuh jiwa la bile makan.. esp choc chip.. sedap!
to kak zaiton (suke2 je aku panggey kakak.. ntah2 lagi mude dr ku.. hehe..) thanx so much for taking the order.. mmg sgt2 sedap.. recommended sgt2.. to ppl yg pentingkan rasa dr rupa, korg should try cuppies ney.. sgt sedap.. (bape kali da aku ckp sedap? sile kire.. hehe..) aku yakin kakak ney bley wat lagi lawa2.. tp sbb masa kurang mengizinkan, lagi pun aku mmg nk design yg simple je.. pd aku, lawa okeh.. n the taste super yummy! sile la order.. sekarang! hehe..
lapo laks tgk pepg buter neh
I noticed you just got married, still not late to wish Selamat Pengantin Baru...after the feedback from your sms then the comment on my block i was very happy you like the cuppies but when i saw this entry i felt so thankful to publicity maaa he he...been wanting to mail you a story behind your order but i am pretty tight right now...but i have to thank you for the kind words and the free advertisement here....when i free a bit i will mail u soon....
take care and have a great weekend .....again thank u
anna :
sabo je la eh.. sile telan air liur.. hehehe..
zaitgha :
thanx! da nak 4 bulan da.. tp ngade2 nk letak pic kawen aritu.. hehe.. i just spread out about the great cuppies here.. tp x rmai org pun jenguk sini.. hikhik.. anyway, will wait for ur email.. sgt2 nk taw what happened that day.. =)
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